Please refer to our contact page in the top menu for our customer service phone numbers as well as a form to submit enquiries.
Our security policy
Our secure booking server uses 128 bit encryption which ensures the highest levels of security. This is shown by the padlock in the closed position at the base of your browser screen. Any information, including credit card details, that you enter and submit on this page will be encrypted and securely transmitted. When you transaction is complete your information is stored in an encrypted state.
Our privacy policy
The privacy of your information is of the utmost importance to us. To complete your booking we need your personal details including your address, phone number and credit card number. In order to process the booking, we may in some instances pass all or some of this information on to our vehicle rental suppliers. It is done so through a password protected and encrypted secure booking page.
When you book we ask you whether you are interested in receiving further offers from us. If you decline, we will not email you with such offers. We also always give you the opportunity to unsubscribe and opt out of receiving these emails. We treat your details as confidential and we NEVER disclose your information to third parties other than the supplier who is fulfilling your rental.
This website is owned and operated by Car Rental Republic Ltd, a specialist in worldwide car rental distribution. Our financial centre and marketing office is based at Level 4 Excelsior House, 6 Commerce St , Auckland, New Zealand. Thank you for booking with us.